Sri Velukkudi Ranganathan Swamy is a scholar of Traditional Indian Shastrams, including Nyaya, Purva Mimamsa and Vedanta. He is also an Upanyasaka delivering discourses in Tamil, English and Sanskrit, in many cities and towns across India, on a variety of topics under the ambit of Sanatana Dharma including the Vedas and Upanishads, Itihasas and Puranas, the Bhagavad Gita, Divyaprabandhams and Stotrams. He has undergone rigorous training in Indic Shastrams and Srivaishnava Tradition from renowned scholars, including his own father Velukkudi Sri U. Ve. Krishnan Swamy.

He has completed his Master’s in Nyaya Shastram and is currently pursuing doctoral studies in this field. He has also completed the Examination Series in Purva Mimamsa Shastram conducted at Tenali (Andhra Pradesh) by Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham. He has delivered presentations at several Shastra Sabhas and Conferences conducted by Educational and Religious institutions. He is actively involved in cross-disciplinary research projects that strive to unearth knowledge on modern subjects like Management, Law, Politics, etc. from our Traditional Shastrams. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from NIT Trichy and was employed in Microsoft Corporation before he took to studying the Indic Shastrams.

The proposed program is a series of discourses in English by Sri Velukkudi Ranganathan Swamy covering the Dasha (Ten) Upanishads, starting with Ishavasya Upanishad in the first session. The Upanishads are the most ancient and authentic sources of Spiritual Knowledge and so can help everyone enrich their lives greatly, especially youngsters who are setting out to establish their lifestyle. This program is a unique opportunity for them to learn the comprehensive meaning of the Upanishads through a lucid presentation in English delivered by an accomplished Scholar of Traditional Shastrams.

Equality in the

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Theory of Karma in the
Brahma Sutrams

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Jnanam and Bhakti in the
Bhagavad Gita

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